S.U.S.A. Sentiero Umano di Solidarietà Artistica e Ambientale for Rebirth-day
On December 21st 2012 at 12:21 pm 100.000 hands shaked in the name of art and rebirth, along the road from Turin to Susa.
Organizzato da: Comitato S.U.S.A
Data: 21/12/12
Indirizzo: Turin, Italy

A project of reconciliation with the area, a large collective artistic gesture, a temporary living installation prelude to a true “re-birth”, a powerful symbolic act of reconciliation between Nature, Art and Community.
The operation created and organized by a committee presided over by Michelangelo Pistoletto himself, has promoted the encounter and dialogue with all stakeholders of the Susa Valley: municipalities, institutions, local associations and many schools. A long process of reflection and negotiation, carried out in a territory articulated and in conflict, in the name of art and its power of regeneration, has created a large and inclusive community action.
By combining the energies from Turin to the Valley, the S.U.S.A. has generated a genuine change of perspective, stimulating the desire to meet, to talk, to go down into deep humanity of everyone overcoming barriers and constraints to which they belong.
The 5000 students, from kindergarten to university, have sown the seeds of rebirth for the future of the next generations.
A dense marathon of cultural events – a “Trail of Thoughts” – accompanied the symbolic handshake. On December 21st 12 there have been the lecture “Specchio, specchio delle mie brame” about art, brain and social relations at Palazzo Madama, with Ludovica Lumer and Vittorio Gallese, Ezio Bosso’s concert at Palazzo Reale, the conversation about Mayan traditions at Circolo dei Lettori, concerts in the churches of the Susa Valley and actions of social theater at Castello di Rivoli with Teatro Popolare Europeo and Beppe Gromi’s Compagnia Fabula Rasa.


In collaboration with:
Direzione Regionale per i beni culturali e Paesaggistici del Piemonte, Palazzo Reale, Fondazione Torino Musei, Palazzo Madama, Fondazione Medicina a Misura di Donna, Unimanagement, SusaCulture, Centro Sereno Regis, Cittadellarte–Fondazione Pistoletto, Castello di Rivoli – Museo d’arte contemporanea, le Scuole della Val di Susa e di Torino, Officine Sistemiche, Politecnico di Torino, Distretto Tesori d’arte e cultura alpina, Filarmonica del Teatro Regio, Rotary Club Susa Val Susa, Tecnelit, Ipl Group, Aero Club Vaje, CSSA Chieri.

Credits immagini: Emilio Bianco, Franco Borrelli
Presentato da: rebirth-day