Barrio Habana Rebirth
To inaugurate the new headquarter of the community project "Barrio Habana" in calle Sol & Villegas, La Habana Vieja.
Organized by: proyecto Barrio Habana (Pavel Garcia y Sandra Sotolongo)
In collaboration with: Embajada Rebirth de Cuba- Erick Gonzalez Leon
Date: Dal 11/12/15 al 21/12/15
Address: Cuba, Cuba

    GOALS: to make a long celebration for the beginning of this wonderful project with the community. Make a photographic show with all the photos at the end of the Rebirth-day with all the participants of the community.

    With the performatic action to create the sing of the Rebirth in this place the project Barrio Habana try to inaugurate the new headquarter of the commentary project in calle Sol & Villegas, La Habana Vieja. With actions they will make a long celebration for the beginning of this wonderful project with the community. Make a photographic show with all the photos at the end of the Rebirth-day with all the participants of the community.

    Presented by: Laura Salas Redondo