Spread the symbol

We would like to tell you a story, a story of a symbol representing Finite in Infinity, created by an artist, Michelangelo Pistoletto, and subsequently spread worldwide (and – as of 28th July 2017 – into space, through the mission VITA led by the astronaut Paolo Nespoli) thanks to a myriad of people who started supporting it, the Rebirthers, believing in the inspirational power of change the Third Paradise can generate.

Energy, vitality, sharing, responsibility, creativity, an awareness of being socially useful, these are the feelings aroused by drawing the symbol, when the two circles are complete, when the focal points seem to touch each other.

FEEL the CHANGE – HUG the CHANGE is the motto that has accompanied the Rebirth/Third Paradise project since 2013. A project made of people and addressed to absolutely everybody. Were it a page of a social network, it would deserve likes.

Become a supporter, spread the symbol, use it in accordance with ethical and philosophical principles at its basis. Here are some suggestions and suggestions for proper use of the Symbol.

For any doubt please contact rebirth@cittadellarte.it