Call me at eight zero zero zero
An art performance in which the symbol of the "Third Paradise" is made with the use of mobile phones, transforming the sound in image.
Organized by: National Centre for Contemporary Arts (NCCA)
Date: 21/12/12
Address: gorod Moskva, Russia

“Call me at eight zero zero zero” was realized in space of “sound landscape” of installation “D 911 (microcut)” by the artist Nikolay Onischenko. Applying to the call of the artist-inventor and author of the idea Sergey Katran people with their synchronized in time mobile phones formed the sign of Third Paradise.
This action symbolizes the unity of people, the unity which always existed and will be forever in spite of total personification in the age of new technologies.
The essence of the action is that participated people set the alarm in their mobile phones on eight o’clock and lay out them in a sign of Third paradise – tertiary “8” (this number was taken as a source for the name of happening). In a given time phones start to ring and some kind of musical symphony is appeared. Specially made from the “Im Dorfe” by Franz Shubert soundtrack in the beginning of the action forms on the screen the sign of Third Paradise. This programmed rhythm of image and sound transforms during the action into the natural state of life, which can’t realize more according to persistent laws of naturebut according to chance and indeterminacy of human being. The happening call to realize this transition and to admit responsibility for human actions in a deep positive meaning of the word.

Video credits: hildren's Animation Studio - manager Andrey Suzdalev, Katran&Friends
Presented by: rebirth-day