Rebirth-day 2012
21st December 2012 associated to the end of the world, has become instead the day of Rebirth!
Organized by: Alessia Siligardi
In collaboration with: Liceo Ginnasio Luigi Galvani Bologna
Date: 21/12/12
Address: Metropolitan City of Bologna, Italy

make sensitive about better world where nature and artifice live together in peace.

21st December 2012 associated to the end of the world, has become instead the day of the Rebirth: with “Luigi Galvani” high school of Bologna we have carried out a laboratory activity.
At first I have explained to the students who is the artist Michelangelo Pistoletto and his works then I have deepened the project: “Rebirth Terzo Paradiso”.
After asking them to phisically arrange the symbol inside the school gym, the students have liberally composed painting, writing and using several materials inside the “Third Paradise” symbol.
They have made two really nice banners. One left in the school and the other one was bound to disappear after the composition (for example: in the “Artifice” they have layed their mobile phones).
The students and the school have been a lot actively partecipate in the initiative.

alessia siligardi

Images credits: Alessia Siligardi
Video credits: Alessia Siligardi
Presented by: Alessia Siligardi