Travelling Third Paradise Canvas – Tokyo Kids-Guernica and Earth Caravan
Art travelling peace exhibition.
Organized by: Profesoor Takuya Kaneda and Kids-Guernica
In collaboration with: Earth Caravan and Savina Tarsitano
Date: Dal 19/07/15 al 20/07/15
Address: Japan, Japan

GOALS: peace, tollerance, love, respect, social change.

In occasion of the cooperation between Earth Caravan project and Kids-Guernica project, the professor Takuya Kaneda organised a workshop on the Third Paradise Canvas with local people. On that occasion some of his students of the Art and Education department of the Otsuma Womens’ University of Tokyo, attended Savina Tarsitano’s workshop on the summer 2014, realized an installation of the Third Paradise with Unmbrellas.

Presented by: savinatarsitano