GOALS: the Personal Happiness Handbook inspires you to take action for your own happiness and the wellbeing of your community, environment and economic circumstances. It is a tool in our toolkit that our Happiness Initiative leaders will use to handout. It provides action oriented inspiration so you can deeply understand what the domains of happiness are and what they mean to you.
The issuing of the Personal Happiness Handbook was an online event. It is a beautiful presentation with inspration for action. We will issue it as a winter solstice gift to all who visit our website and use the Gross National Happiness Index. Within less than 5 days of its release, over 1,000 people viewed it.
It is a way for the growing number of people who take the Gross National Happiness Index (now over 29,000 people) to take action for a happier, more sustainalbe and resilient life and future for all. http://www.happycounts.org/
You can download it here: http://www.slideshare.net/TheHappinessInitiative/personal-happiness-handbook-25-actions-along-10-domains-of-happiness